I work for the National Health Service. The good old NHS. In the main I enjoy working here. I am good at my job and am pleased to be part of an institution that helps people.
Alas; The current climate of change for Managements sake is destroying the Service we as a Nation once held dear to our hearts. The unhealthy obsession with Targets is not helping anyone (least of all Patients), and the sooner the politicians realise that punishing those that fail to meet unrealistic targets with financial constraints the better.
The managers and Directors that hold sway in my own workplace are lining their own pockets with excessive salaries whilst cutting back on the staff that enable the Hospital to function as it should.
~sigh~ The future is NOT good. I fear that we will end up as a glorified clinic and not the fully-functioning Trauma Hospital we once took for granted. A growing town (120,000) does NOT need cuts in medical care.
One day we will look back and wonder how we let it happen. A Public Service taken from under our noses whilst we stood by and watched.