I never intended that it should be taken seriously. It was a joke. Don’t people do jokes anymore? Is that something else that we should mourn the passing of. It is funny if someone walks headlong into a lamp-post or falls over in the street. But it is not funny to say that you want to leave this world and live on Uranus. …weird!
The blank looks said it all. That girl is a candidate for the funny farm.
I don’t want to live on Uranus. I just said it because it seemed apt.
I met a guy years ago in the Accident Department of the Hospital where I was working. He claimed to be in constant touch with beings on Venus. It was a nice place he said. The trees were mostly purple and they had no dogs.
He was funny. Everyone said so. Most of the staff dropped by to hear him extoll the virtue of life on Venus. They went away shaking with mirth.
He was admitted to the Psychiatric unit and spent the next three months being probed and tested and was released back into society a new man. But he still thought that Venus was a good place. The medication they gave him he threw into the bin and said all he really needed was a bacon sandwich.
When the Government announced plans to raise the speed limit on motorways to eighty miles per hour I thought maybe it is time to leave. Go live on a foreign planet far away from the mad world we inhabit. So I suggested Uranus. I’ve seen the pictures from NASA, it looks a nice place…
People don’t forget. They look at me with suspicion in their eyes and they reach for the phone to look up the number for a Psychiatrist…
All of which does not explain why I started this. It started as a ‘thought for the day’, a sort of putting down on paper, or screen, what I was thinking. No particular reason, just the overwhelming need to seek some sort of immortallity on my part. Nothing important, just the desire to write it down and preserve it for prosperity. Nonsense of course, but what the hell; I am only human.
It is possible that you are waiting for the payoff… there isn’t one. I can ramble on here and it will amount to nothing at all and those that are in control will be able to read into it anything they damn well please. That is what they are good at.
Jimi Hendrix. Now there is something that will raise the hackles on the neck of ‘Authority’! I love Jimi. His music will live forever and in my mind will keep me sane in the face of all adversity.
The blank looks said it all. That girl is a candidate for the funny farm.
I don’t want to live on Uranus. I just said it because it seemed apt.
I met a guy years ago in the Accident Department of the Hospital where I was working. He claimed to be in constant touch with beings on Venus. It was a nice place he said. The trees were mostly purple and they had no dogs.
He was funny. Everyone said so. Most of the staff dropped by to hear him extoll the virtue of life on Venus. They went away shaking with mirth.
He was admitted to the Psychiatric unit and spent the next three months being probed and tested and was released back into society a new man. But he still thought that Venus was a good place. The medication they gave him he threw into the bin and said all he really needed was a bacon sandwich.
When the Government announced plans to raise the speed limit on motorways to eighty miles per hour I thought maybe it is time to leave. Go live on a foreign planet far away from the mad world we inhabit. So I suggested Uranus. I’ve seen the pictures from NASA, it looks a nice place…
People don’t forget. They look at me with suspicion in their eyes and they reach for the phone to look up the number for a Psychiatrist…
All of which does not explain why I started this. It started as a ‘thought for the day’, a sort of putting down on paper, or screen, what I was thinking. No particular reason, just the overwhelming need to seek some sort of immortallity on my part. Nothing important, just the desire to write it down and preserve it for prosperity. Nonsense of course, but what the hell; I am only human.
It is possible that you are waiting for the payoff… there isn’t one. I can ramble on here and it will amount to nothing at all and those that are in control will be able to read into it anything they damn well please. That is what they are good at.
Jimi Hendrix. Now there is something that will raise the hackles on the neck of ‘Authority’! I love Jimi. His music will live forever and in my mind will keep me sane in the face of all adversity.