The treetops get it first then the rest of the world...
In the case of this picture - more a case of sundown.
The house, such as it is, is now gone. It was a, (the correct word to use here would be 'quintesential' australian homestead. But let's not fret over words.) It is and always was; A House for its place.
And what a place! An abundance of trees and shrubs and a creek and, and...
Now the land is sold. The new owners will of course have different ideas.
No more will I be able to sit beside the creek and watch the dragonflies dart across the narrow flowing water with the scent of lemon tea-tree oil in the air. The fairy wrens will I hope find a another tree to flit about from twig to twig, family in procession.
Waxing lyrical will change nothing. Because change has changed things.
People move on.
There is no tale here. I looked at the photo and something stirred. A memory flitted through the tendrils in the labyrinth of the brain and what you see is what you get.
This IS, after all, a weblog.
Good memories hopefully never, never fade. I suspect that to be a gum tree standing tall, and I imagine a tin roof topped the old place. I'd also guess it got little rain.
Right on all counts.
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