Thursday, October 26, 2006

No Imagination - right on time

Its around here somewhere. It’s here somewhere. Just need to find it. It was here a while back. Need to remember where… How does it feel? How does it feel? To be on your own? With no direction home? Like a complete unknown? Like a rolling stone? Nothing happening. Let the mind go free. Go free? Reminds me; I was looking for that.
- Looking for Godot? It is free: The mind.
It’s waiting.
- Waiting?
Yes. Its ‘Waiting’ for Godot. Not looking.
- I know. I was using irony.
Where did this start? It must have had a beginning. - Once upon a time? No, that wasn’t it; Before that….
- What!? You want the whole thing? No way! You just pay attention to the Here and Now.
But it is so dull. Nothing happens here. It is …dull.
- Wait and learn. Listen to what there is to learn. Await further instruction. This message is bought to you from our sponser...
Dull I tell you.
- In my day we had to make our own amusements.
- A matchbox and a piece of string was all we needed.
? …Wha…?
- Put things in. Always need somewhere to put those beetles and bugs. String is simply string; tying is of course the usual option with string. But I always had a preference for tripping.
- double-entendre intentional.
Yeees. What was I looking for?
- Hope? Inspiration? Oh no, I know – Freedom.
Yes. That was it. It was here wasn’t it? It wasn’t just my imagination?
- Your imagin…! No dear thing, it certainly would not have been that. Your neurosis..? mmm, maybe. Albeit a freely associated neurosis.
Free. There it is again.. Free association.
- Armadillo
Ah! I know this. Ummm, errr,
- You haven’t quite grasped it have you? Try this : How many Surrealists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer : Badger
I hear that damn tune again.
- It has been on a lot lately. Goes on a bit doesn’t it?
It IS good though. Just listen to those words…
- I may be a tad over enthusiastic but not only listen but perhaps opening the eyes as well. Drastic, I know, but go ahead, open ‘em. You never know what might be out there….
“This time I’m asking for freedom” I would want to ask him about how he puts words togethere and
- Just open them dammit!!!


Wyrfu said...

Any one who has Bob Dylan lurking in their subconscious can't be all bad. ;)

Harry said...

The mind is such a lovely place to play, but the courage to share is rare.

Harry said...

Lookie what I found.

Harry said...

Lookie what I found